Cosmology and Astrophysics in Discovery of The Birth of The Universe
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Cosmology and Astrophysics in Discovery of The Birth of The Universe
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Hello, all visitors to Amateur Astronomer. Amateur Astronomer will be a website that moves towards the direction of discovery and the challenge of discovery. My name is Joseph E. Brown and for all intents and purposes I am the Amateur Astronomer for this website.
I hope to make the website enjoyable and easy for all to understand.
This website will be primarily concerned with The Big Bang Theory and The Birth of The Universe.
My name is Joseph E. Brown, I am 61 years old. I am a semi-retired professional in the building trades industry. Amateur Astronomer is a website that I have chosen along with a future email distribution of the information on this website which will be primarily for the display of my Scientific presentation to All whom are interested.
I have been observing and studying astronomy and cosmological/theoretical astrophysics since I was 13 years of age.
I have kept these facts to myself all of my life until now, at the culmination of my theoretical astrophysics abilities and self taught knowledge. I hope to make a Scientific contribution with a Scientific presentation of my Discovery/ Hypothesis/ Theorem on the Birth of The Universe.
Astronomy today is at a crossroads or loggerheads in regards to “The Big Bang” theory. Multi-versus’, particle physics, colliders, quantum physics, and string theory as well as others are all fields of endeavor that offer speculation in respect to “The Big Bang” theory. Like me there are many speculators out there and quite a selection of speculative theoretical physics chasing that grand physics discovery.
The scientific community is considered by many to have stagnated over the past 40 years in this regard where little progress or no progress seems to be the ongoing conclusions of theories that attempt to capture the true physics that explain “The Big Bang” theory and Birth of The Universe.
Hello Everyone! I would like to take this opportunity to Invite all to View and Enjoy my Theory of the Birth of The Universe. I am Interjecting the Theory to the front pages of my website so as to cut down on the scrolling. Thank-you.
Joseph Brown/Lecture/Birth of Universe Discovery
The following questions will be answered in this Hypothesis/Theorem.
1. Where does the Quantum Gravity originate that permeates throughout the Universe?
2. How exactly did Space time Physically come into being?
3. Why did the Inflation of the Universe suddenly stop?
4. Why did the Cosmic Inflation stay intact?
5. Where is the Equivalent Anti-matter of the Universe?
Drawings and Terminology
Terminology- “From Nothing” a Singularity appeared the same as From a Non-Existence Dimension a Singularity appeared.
“From Nothing” and NED/Paradoxical.
The drawings do not have any dimensions but depict in general visuals that capture the “Big Bang” in general.
The drawings as well will be mostly cross-sections of a “spherical object”.
I have structured my Lecture/Scientific Presentation so that the events of the “Big Bang” may be out of order in an effort to abide by Einsteinium dictums of keeping things simple to understand.
Joseph E. Brown Presents A New Birth of the Universe Theorem and Hypothesis
The Following is the Scientific Presentation.
Hello, my name is Joseph E. Brown and this my Theorem that I will be presenting to the World.
Hopefully, you have read the Website so that I may skip the repetition.
First, I will quickly go through what is most commonly understood and accepted today as the Theorem for the Birth of The Universe.
Today, the Scientific community has come to rest on the hypothesis that has been the most common understanding of how The Universe came into being for the past forty plus years.
In General, the Birth of the Universe is currently believed to have begun in a Dimension of Nothingness with sudden appearance of a Singularity of Immensely compressed matter that suddenly releases its Energy in a Cosmic “Big Bang” Inflation that will constitute the mass and matter of The Universe along with everything in The Universe and all the Scientific anomalies and aberrations of The Universe.
The Universe is 14+ Billion years old and continues to expand, in fact The Universe expands more rapidly as time passes.
I will show my discovery of the Birth of The Universe and bring to the forefront the answers for what, why and how the “Big Bang” happened for the World to see and revel in its Majesty.
I have structured my Lecture/Scientific Presentation so that the events of the “Big Bang” may be out of order in an effort to abide by Einsteinian dictums of keeping things simple to understand.
I will present my Scientific Lecture in the most simple, basic and layman’s terms in order that High School Students with a small background in physics could understand this event without any further tutoring.
This Discovery would be for us Humans in the Theoretical realm only and from the direct action of the “Big Bang” and how it occurred, it will always remain that way for eternity. There is no possible way to replicate the “Big Bang” Inflation in our World and I will elaborate further in the Lecture.
So here we go, I present my Scientific Lecture to the World,
The first matter I would like to begin with was a change I have made for myself in the search and investigation of The Universe in regards to the “Big Bang” in the current wording of the “Nothing” or “Nothingness” as the point beginning of The Universe, for myself, many years ago, I found those words not of Scientific terminology as they were not specific and too general for me and therefore, for myself, I termed the “Nothing” or the “Nothingness” the NED/P, or Non-Existence Dimension/Paradoxical. I will use this term I have instituted for myself that fit and aid in the presenting of the new Theorem.
My theorem, follows all the Laws of Physics set forth to this date in our World as each facet of discovery in my new Theorem will fit precisely with all Scientific data that has been presented by the Scientific community to this date in fitting with The current Universe model and currently mapped Universe, except for the “Big Bang”, The Universe Inflation period itself.
The Theorem and Hypothesis:
I will begin by stating that the “Big Bang” was a Nuclear Event that was like no other that we have seen nor will we ever see it again and Humankind will never be able to replicate this Nuclear Event because of its far and extreme conditions and circumstances.
Next, the “Big Bang” expansion was born out 2 Infinities as they combined to create The Universe.
The 2 Infinities would combine in what would become a state in which their Infinities are suspended as the Cosmic Expansion took place.
The “Big Bang” is a multi-phase Expansion that continues to expand.
We begin in the same place “the Nothingness” or the NED/P, Non-Existence Dimension/Paradoxical. The NED/P is a true Nothingness with no existence of anything that a person could imagine except for time in suspended animation, I will explain this further along.
So, with a seemingly sanctified emptiness but for time suspended, the NED/P would take on the character of an extremely destructive entity as the NED/P does not support anything but is detrimental to all entities but for one in which a co existence takes place.
The NED/P is as Nuclear as it gets with its designation as theoretically everything that would be in the NED/P would be destroyed but for one Infinity. The NED/P is effectively a Nuclear Catalyst and Trigger.
As for the Nuclear fuel, this would be a Photon which reacts with the NED/P to cause a Super Hyper Nuclear Chain Reaction leading a Sphere of Plasma expanding at the Speed of Light, that reaction being mc2=E.
This would be the beginning of the “Big Bang”. Light would be converted to matter at the Speed or Light as the “Big Bang” mass would expand. Further described in Fig. 1.
“From Nothing” is the state in which the Universe first appeared as a Singularity (Photon) and then a Mega Hyper Nuclear Chain Reaction took place installing The Universe.
The “From Nothing” is void of any and all manifestations seen in The Universe as the NED/P does not support anything but I believe except for Time in Suspended Animation by virtue of there being no Velocity or Gravity in the “From Nothing” leaving Time in a state of limbo.
This makes the Dimension very Destructive or Nuclear in the sense of splitting particles.
I extol that The Universe began with the never before observed or performed Nuclear Reaction mc2=E and I will explain the process. First off, the Nuclear Reaction mc2=E is the most extreme Nuclear Reaction of all Nuclear Reactions and one must remember that the Reaction mc2=E can only take place in the “Nothingness” or the NED/P and cannot occur within the bounds and confines of Spacetime.
mc2=E can only occur in the NED/P or the “Nothingness”.
This is the factor that has prevented Scientists from finding the Birth of The Universe here on our Earth.
mc2=E has occurred Once in the Birth of The Universe as the Inflationary “Big Bang” and will never occur again until this Universe has come to its end and history repeats itself.
When mc2=E occurs it will always be the same, the result will always be the Birth of a Universe approximately the same size and shape as our own. This is the only way mc2=E occurs.
I believe that "the Nothing" or the NED/P should be part of the Electromagnetic Spectrum.
I believe the "Big Bang" Expansion was a cooler than believed than the development of The Universe as the development of the Universe became much hotter after the "Big Bang".
I will present another Discovery related to the Universe in the months ahead.
Hello, Everyone.
I have three New Hypothesis/Theories to be presented in 2022-23.
I shall present three New Hypothesis/Theories in 2022-23 that will deal with the Physics of Time, Black Holes and Gravity. Further information will follow.
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